When we reached Blue Mountains Visitors Centre, i bet its very cold cos i can hear the wind blowing sound even though i'm still inside the bus!! So my first thought was - prepare to run into the building once i got off the bus!! Lol!! Seriously no kidding ok~ I felt as though my face was gonna crack when the cold
So we quickly run into the visitors' centre and queue up to buy our tickets. We get to choose between 3 different ways to go around the Blue Mountains, Cableway, Railway and Skyway. I did my 'homework' before i go and knew that the Railway would be the BEST cos it'll travel along the steepest track in the world!! But to my disappointment, it was not available on that day!! So sad man~ Anyway, we decided to go on the Skyway instead (at least its better than the Cableway, lol! But the Skyway is actually the recommended one as its the newest, and there's a glass floor which will become transparent mid-way over the Three Sisters. We will then be looking down to the rainforest which is 270 metres below us. Sounds cool huh? And yes It is!! Fantastic view~
Let me tell you the story about the Three Sisters, they are Meehni, Wimlah an
Anyway, lets move on to our next stop, the Jenolan Caves. Its one
But my favourite pic of all is this one, the one on the left, i love it so much~ stunningly beautiful formation~
Its so hard to take photos inside the cave cos the lighting was not very bright. Inside a cave...what do you expect~ I forgot how long was the whole journey, perhaps around 1-1.5 hours. But one thing i remembered is that the weather was super duper cold~ Up on the Blue Mountains and into the caves, I was freezing every single moment outside the bus @_@ But still manage to take pictures, as i always do, haha~ Here's a pic after finish exploring Lucas. You can see there's another cave right opposite it.
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