'Graduated' from my Ceramics elective!!
Previously I mentioned about the first project for my ceramics class, it was hand coiling. Later on, we had to do wheel throwing and platters to complete the whole course.Few months down, I've been able to throw a nice cup without wasting any clay. Haha~ Recalling back to my first few practices, those were really a waste of clay man! Know why? Cos I was unable to control to clay properly when its on the wheel and we had to add water every now and then to shape the clay. I always end up wasting lots of clay without being able to make any nice things out of it.But things have change and I believe in practice makes perfect, although not perfect yet but at least I can come out with some nice cups. Am glad enough for that level of achievement~ Well, lets have a look at my final work... Not bad huh? Haha~
As for my last project, we have to make a couple of platters. At that point of time, my mum's birthday was approaching so I thought of making her a present using this opportunity. And guess what? She's actually a twin! So, a birthday platter for her and my aunt became the theme of my project. Care to have a look at it? Here it is... By the way, 'A. Kiak' refers to my aunt's name.
So what do you guys think of my work? Any comments? =p
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