Royal Adelaide Show 2007

Saw my latest photo album at my space? Its about the Royal Adelaide Show 2007, their once in a year event over here. There's lots and lots of stuffs to see, eat & play. You'll probably be able to find anything there. I spent my whole day playing at the showground from 9am to 10pm. Sounds crazy right? Haha~ The crowd was crazy too! Everywhere there's people, you'll find them at every single corner, especially at the thrill rides and fun fair section.I really don't know where to start telling you guys what i did over there cos its just too much to say. Haha~ Lets begin Farm Expo. Obviously, you can find all sorts of
farm animals there, like goats, puppies, cows, etc. And the special part is that they allow you to have close contact with all these animals. I got a chance to hold a baby chick!! Its so light and real real soft~ Somewhere beside the expo, i saw this doggy sort of 'chasing' after 3 nicely 'dressed' geese
, making sure that they walk in a line. So funny~ Actually i think its some kind of sheep dog, just that this time its looking after the geese instead of sheep. They also have sheep shearing session where you get to see how a sheep kena 'slaughtered', no lar, its sheared. I describe it as being slaughtered because the sheep looked so helpless, can't do anything but lie there, and i saw some injuries after the shearing, so poor thing =(
Besides animals, they have food tasting at a place named Taste! South Australia, where you get to try all sorts of food, like the Italian bakery, Indian curry, organic cereal, cookies, honey, almonds, candies,
wine... Many of these are their very own state products. Then i went to another place - the Dairy Pavilion, to have another round of tasting! Haha~ From there, you'll find milk, yogurts, chocolates & ice creams!! Their chocolate mud cake ice cream is damn nice~ =p
And then, there's this Handicrafts Hall, displaying things like cookies, cakes, plates, tea sets, etc. All of th
em look so pre
tty, so cute, can't stop snapping my camera~ Lol !! Here's a couple of it. The Sesame Street one is very cute~ but i think it looks more like a toy than a cake. Haha~
Continue walking around, i went to watch pig racing. Hah
a~ It sounds funny by just mentioning it. Wasn't able to take any photos cos the crowd was too big but i still manage to see how they did the racing la. Its super funny~ Further on, i went to Dairy Cattle, they were having sessions on how to produce dairy products, like full cream milk, skim milk (low fat), cream, butter, etc. Then you know what?? I get to milk a cow. Oh my god! It feels really weird man~ really~ But its fun though...hehe~
It was evening by the time i finished visiting Dairy Cattle. But there's still events going on. Like there's dog judging session at the Dog Pavilion, where you get to see how doggies perform tricks according to the com
mands of their owners. Its very impressive~ Then, there was some interesting performance at the Superstar Stage, funky name huh? I stayed until 9pm to watch the fireworks at the main arena. But before that, there were car racing & motorbike performance going on. The car racing was normal but the motorbike performance was quite entertaining~ They did back-flips and stuffs, very cool~ Really spiced up the atmosphere at the stadium.
After watching my favourite fireworks, its really time to go home~ But not forgetting to take a few more pics of the night scene before i go back, haha~ Here's a couple of it. The Ferries Wheel looks much nicer at night right?

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