Somehow i felt that this is a new chapter of my uni life where i get to stay out of school. There are much more things that i need to handle myself, from buying salt & pepper to settling water & electricity bills. Living by myself in a foreign country is indeed a lot for me to learn. Kinda enjoy this wonderful experience so far. Haha~
As for my 3 meals, i normally have oats + oranges in the morning, never fails!! Wat to do~ trained by my daddy already, kinda hard to live without oats...haha! He will be so glad when he sees what i wrote man =p. I'll pack my own lunch every morning before i go to school, just sandwiches with ham, tuna or strawberry jam...yea, thats my everyday lunch. Quite a lot of locals having sandwiches as their lunch too, some just ate salad & yogurt, kinda different from s'pore and msia.
I should say dinner is the most interesting part as i get to cook myself, no more mummy's ready made home cooked food =( Well, in a way its a good thing also cos i never really cooked a proper meal before i come, those maggie mee and sardines not counted of course! Over here, i learned to cook a variety of food, sounds pro huh? Haha! From the basic frying to reading manuals on how to operate the microwave oven. Some by trial and error, like baking chicken wings, how many degrees for how long, haha, but so far still manageable, edible and its nice ok, no worries~ Why not have a look at some of my D.I.Y dinner pics? Then you'll know where's my standard. Haha... Remember to leave some comments for me ya~
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